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0722 224 193


Opening Hours:

8.00 am – 5.00pm

Clubs and Associations

The Management University of Africa has a number of active clubs and Associations that open doors to plenty of new connections and give our students a chance to come up with events that are fun, worthwhile and exciting. The current active clubs are:

  1. Mental Health Club
  2. Modelling Club
  3. Positive Vibes
  4. MUA Christian Union
  5. MUA Catholic Action
  6. Business Innovation and Incubation Club
  7. Environmental/wildlife club
    All Clubs and Associations are regulated by the Student Affairs Department and operate under guidance of the Club’s Constitution. The university remains determined to support more upcoming clubs aiming at making better students’ skills in leadership, business, academic and research excellence.

Site Search

Innovation Week

17th October 2024

Main Campus - Kisaju

Pitch an Innovative Idea Day

12.00 pm to 2.30 pm

18th October 2024

South C campus

MUA-Industry Collaboration & Career Day

8.00 am to 4.30pm


Building strong industry relationships for 21st Century student employability skills | | 0722 224 193

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