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Development Fund Office

The Development Fund Office is a Resource Mobilisation arm of the Management University of Africa, raising funds both for the needy students and for the infrastructure development of the University.

Objectives and Purpose

The objective of the fund is to support bright but needy and talented students from disadvantaged backgrounds in Kenya, Africa and the World to study and redeem their dreams at the Management University of Africa, thus the name ‘Save a Dream‘ Scholarship Fund.

The purpose is to:

  1. Pay tuition fees and upkeep for the benefiting students while studying at the University;
  2. Establish a Work-Study programme for continuing students who can no longer afford to pay tuition fees due to unforeseen circumstances;
  3. Support new students who join with verifiable financial needs through the Work–Study Programme;
  4. Engage investors to support the infrastructure development of the University in Kisaju and in South C.

Structure and Governance

The fund is structured through the following categories:

  1. Investment Fund – to invest in easily convertible markets to generate quick returns;
  2. “Save a Dream” Scholarship Fund – to pay fees and tuition to the University;
  3. Work-Study Programme Fund – Proceeds paid to the University to off-set outstanding fees/tuition balance; and
  4. Facilitation Fund – to bring in highly regarded and respected Scholars, Professors, Business personalities, Adjunct Faculty, and among others from around the World to speak on topical issues at the University.

The fund is governed by the Board of Trustees (BOT) of the Management University of Africa and administered by the University’s Endowment Fund Secretariat.

The fund prepares and keeps proper books of accounts which are audited annually, after which a report is made to all the stakeholders.

Development Fund Office
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