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SML Office


The School of Management and Leadership (SML) is under the Leadership of the Dean who reports to the Deputy Vice Chancellor, ARE.


To pursue excellence in provision of quality education through innovative teaching and distinguished research to mould leaders, change agents and entrepreneurs with a global impact.


To be a premier university providing management and transformative leadership solutions worldwide.


To be a University that embraces an environment that develops nurtures and transforms leaders and managers who are passionate for innovative change, governance, entrepreneurship and business development for transformation of Africa and beyond.

Core values

  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Responsibility
  • Team work


Students may study under the full-time, part-time, distance learning and Hybrid modes.

  • Full-time Mode (FT) – The Full-time mode of study applies where a student attends scheduled day, evening or weekend classes and can takes the standard load of 5 minimum units and maximum 8 units per semester
  • The Part-time mode of study applies where a registered student attends scheduled evening and/or weekend classes and can takes the standard load of minimum of 5 units and maximum of 8 units per semester. 
  • The Open, Distance and E-Learning Mode (ODEL) of study applies where a student is registered for course work but does not attend classes. Students are guided through various courses using instructional materials, assignments, continuous assessment, tutorials and examinations organized by the department. All the ODEL students are required to attend the scheduled residential sessions and other meetings in order to achieve the recommended instructional hours as per the blended mode of study. The standard load is minimum of 5 units and maximum 6 units per semester
  • The Hybrid Mode: This mode is applicable where a student attends scheduled day, evening or weekend classes on some registered units and also takes some units under ODEL arrangement. The standard load is minimum of 5 units and maximum 7 units. The ratio of the units taken under either regular to ODEL should meet CUE criteria for 60% to 40%.

SML Office
Juster Nyaga
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