The curtains have finally come down for the Year 2022. It was dubbed the year of recovery from the disruptions of COVID-19 and global economic recession. It was a year of hope and great expectations as Governments around the world opened up their economies for business. Travel restrictions were lifted though on a coordinated and controlled scale. In Kenya, institutions of learning continued on a crash programme in an effort to return to normal school calendar year in January 2023. The vagaries of COVID19 continued to ravage the land but with less impact. The Government, through the Ministry of Health, continued with the campaign for COVID-19 vaccination so that the economy may remain open. It was also a general elections year that saw peaceful transition of power from one regime to another. Kenyans once again showed their resilience to the international community by conducting a peaceful election. It is now, the year that was.
Summary of notable milestones
The Management University of Africa continued to carry out her mandate within the new normal as it leveraged on technology to deliver its programmes.
- The University was inspected for the award of Charter in March 2022 and for accreditation as an ODeL Centre in November 2022.
- The 9th graduation ceremony took place in November 2022 where 461 graduates were released to the job market.
- The University launched its first book on management and leadership as well as its first print edition of the International Journal of Management and Leadership Studies (IJMLS).
- Student admissions into the University’s nine (9) programmes hit the 5,500 mark since inception.
- Government sponsored students placed in the University by KUCCPS reached the 2,326 mark.
- The University signed an MoU with KIM for collaboration in joint delivery of specific programmes as well as certification and graduation of KIM students.
- The 9th international conference on Management and Leadership was held virtually and in-person modes.
- The University successfully organized two innovation weeks at the main campus in the months of June and September 2022.
- It was an eventful year full of infinite possibilities and opportunities.
The organs of the University charged with Governance responsibilities discharged their mandate in accordance with the provisions of the instruments of authority of the University. The UGC held 4 full Council meetings. In addition, ARIC, FHRIP, GARM and Business Strategy committees held 4 meetings each while the UMB held 6 meetings. The chief officers of the University discharged their duties with distinction as provided for in the statutes.
Teaching and Learning
The University took advantage of the low-lying fruits by continued to teach students using the blended mode of learning. This was further enhanced by face to face teaching and on-line examinations. In summary, 96 PhD and 260 master’s students were taught during the year. In addition, 1,717 regular and 2,010 ODeL undergraduate students were taught as well. On the same breath, 730 diploma and 414 certificate students were enrolled in various programmes. As far as research is concerned, 429 students across all the programmes were allocated supervisors. In addition, 2,008 students sat for online examinations. Further, 234 students undertook community service and 586 students were placed for industrial attachment and internships in various sectors of the economy.
The University continued to carry out research to solve societal challenges as well as contribute to the universe of knowledge in management and leadership. The research findings were disseminated through academic defenses as well as publication in the International Journal of Management and Leadership Studies and other media. The university launched a book in Management and Leadership which was the embodiment of research in 2022. The University intends to continue with the same spirit in 2023.
The research department also provided training and mentorship services, consultancy services, research and information dissemination through symposia and international conferences. Focusing on the above, the students conducted meaningful research that provided solutions to life’s challenges. This was done through practical training where all students undertook supervised research projects / thesis/ dissertations and came up with some solutions / recommendations that went a long way in finding solutions to societal problems and also contributing to the advancement of knowledge. The postgraduates’ students published their work in international peer reviewed academic journals, such as International Journal of Management and Leadership (IJMLS) which is fully owned and published by the University through the research department. In its endeavor to fulfil its mandate the University, through the research department, held its 9th International conference in management and leadership in September 2022 at the main campus – Kisaju. The conference provided researchers with a forum to discuss and share ideas on latest innovations and provided research outputs that addressed local and global challenges. The conference also provided an opportunity to exchange new skills and ideas with partners for future collaborations.
Student Linkages
To achieve the University’s objective of producing all rounded graduates, student outreach activities such as industrial attachments, community service, public talks, club activities, as well as sporting activities were held successfully both indoor and outdoor through inter-cohorts, inter-campus, inter-universities and friendly games with the surrounding communities. Also, the University organized cultural oriented activities through fresher’s night and campus vibe. The students and staff held two joint sporting activities during the sports days which enhanced their relationship and interactions in the University. Peaceful and transparent elections to select students leaders were held and we now have 7 elected members of Student’s Council (MUASA), who were inducted into office.
ICT and Security Services
The University leveraged on ICT services to supplement face to face teaching and learning during the year. The department also provided cost effective security services through outsourced services in both the Main Campus – Kisaju and the South C Campus in the city. The University changed its security service providers from Pinkerton Security to Victory Protective Services following the expiry of the contract of the former. It was a quiet year with no serious security incidents reported and we look forward to an even better 2023.
The easing of COVID-19 restrictions and the opening of the economy by the Government, witnessed re-energized marketing activities which led to recruitment of one of the largest number of students ever recruited in the history of the University. In addition, the University continued to generate leads through virtual platforms and converted a good number of them into students. Partnerships, linkages and collaborations with tertiary and middle level institutions were signed off which led to recruitment of students. The marketing department also organized several visibility interviews for the Vice-chancellor with leading media houses such as KBC, Standard Media Group, K24 as well as Royal Media Services. Similarly, the university conducted interviews and disseminated research outputs through the print media especially during the 9th International Conference that was held in September 2022.
Quality Assurance (QA)
Quality assurance is the hallmark of responsive university education. The Quality Assurance department continued to discharge its mandate during the year. This included activities such as audits of teaching effectiveness evaluation, tracer surveys as well as other departmental audits. Similarly, the department facilitated the March 2022 inspection for award of charter as well as the November 2022 inspection for the accreditation of the ODeL center.
Executive Capacity Development Programmes (ECDP)
ECDP leveraged on ICTs to deliver its mandate during the year. Following the re-opening of the entire economy, the department conducted a number of open courses, in-house courses as well as virtual trainings to diversify delivery of its mandate to boost its earnings.
Human Resource Development and Administration
The department carried out the HR and administration function effectively during the year. A number of policy document were prepared and signed into operation.
Financial Management
The University continued to employ prudent financial management measures to manage her financial resources during the year. The university performed fairly well as it was able to meet her obligations as they fell due. This was not a mean achievement in the face of global economic challenges. In addition, the department continued to leverage on ICTs for efficiency and effectiveness in financial services delivery.
Exit Year 2022 and Enter Year 2023
As we say goodbye to 2022 and usher in the New Year 2023, we have taken stock of last year’s achievements with pride and confidence. We note that the New Year will not be devoid of challenges given the inter-connectedness of the new world order. However, we are confident that all will be well. The Year 2023 will be the 2nd year of implementation of our strategic planning cycle. We look forward to full implementation of the 2023 activities in the strategic plan as we build on the achievements of 2022.
We thank God for bringing the University this far. I commend both staff and students for their resilience. I also commend our stakeholders for remaining steadfast during the year. As we welcome the New Year 2023, let us commit ourselves to be even better as we grow the University to the next level. It will be the Year of Great expectations, thrusting the University from Good to Great.
We are very optimistic that better days lie ahead. The University will continue to offer innovative teaching that will guarantee quality in her programmes in 2023 and beyond.
Finally, I welcome all the new and continuing students to the Management University of Africa. I wish you all a happy New Year 2023 full of God’s blessings.
Prof. Washington Okeyo, PhD, MBA, MKIM, BSc.