Call Us:

0722 224 193


Opening Hours:

8.00 am – 5.00pm


The Library fully identifies with the philosophy of the Management University of Africa.

It seeks to empower the University to perform its core functions by being the Information hub and nerve centre of relevant information resources and services for teaching, learning, entertainment, research and consultancy.

Today, the library is central to learning in the digital age while continuing its traditional contributions to knowledge management.


The vision of the library is to become the knowledge and information hub for University students, staff, scholars, practitioners and the society at large.


The mission of the library is to provide and innovatively promote access to quality information necessary for supporting University‘s teaching, learning, research and community roles.

Objectives of the library

The objectives of the library are:

  1. Select, acquire and organize a wide variety of quality information to support academic activities of the University;
  2. Market the University library and information resources and services;
  3. Collaborate with local, regional and international consortia and partnerships to facilitate access to wider variety and quality information;
  4. Provide access to physical facilities, equipment and environment that inspires learning; and
  5. Promote use of information communication technologies (ICTs) and related services.

Roles and functions

The role of the library is to support teaching, research and training at the University through provision of appropriate learning materials.

Core services  

The library offers the following  service:

  1. Circulation services;
  2. Readers services;
  3. Reference and referral;
  4. Information literacy training programme;
  5. Photocopying;
  6. Induction and orientation ;
  7. Internet and e-mail;
  8. Reservation and on-line charting services; and
  9. Off-campus access services.

Our Team/Staffing

Our team consists of the University librarian, deputy University Librarian, Assistant librarians, library assistants and interns.


The library has two physical libraries. The main library is at Kisaju main campus in Kajiado County and a satellite library at the South C delivery centre in Nairobi.

The libraries have a combined book stock of over 10, 000 books and 50 electronic databases. In addition, they have a sitting capacity of 500 students.

Regulatory requirements

The library draws its mandate from the University statues, Universities Act, 2012 and the MUA Charter. It is guided in its day to day activities by the CUE University library guidelines and standards, 2014, the Library policy and the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

Customers and shareholders

The library users include the students, faculty and the entire university community including the Alumni. It is also open to the members of the general public through the off-campus access platform on meeting terms and conditions of such access.

Suppliers and partners

The library collaborates with many development partners among them Books for Africa (BFA) and Books for International Goodwill ( BIG) of USA, KIM library, Educate Yourself (EYS) Ltd, Kenya Libraries and Information Services Consortium ( KLISC), among others.

Contact information

For more information, please reach the library at

Tel. +254 – 722 – 224 – 193

Site Search

Innovation Week

17th October 2024

Main Campus - Kisaju

Pitch an Innovative Idea Day

12.00 pm to 2.30 pm

18th October 2024

South C campus

MUA-Industry Collaboration & Career Day

8.00 am to 4.30pm


Building strong industry relationships for 21st Century student employability skills | | 0722 224 193

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