A Customer is said to be the king, he is the reason why every business enterprise or
organization exist. Organization may have excellent products or services but if the
customer is not happy then that business will suffer in the long run.
Customer service training will help business personnel to learn about their customer
needs, expectations, dealing with difficult customers, customer analysis, and strategies to manage stress.
Course objectives:
- On completion of this course, participants should be able to:
Gain an overview of the environment in which businesses operates. - Understand the impact of customer service to business.
- Appreciate the importance of good customer service to
business/organization. - Appreciate the current climate of etiquette and take personal responsibility to
delight customers - Appreciate the competitive nature of business environment and the key
customer service plays in differentiation of one business to another. - Use range of interactive skills with customers.
The Topics to be covered:
Introduction to customer service
- What is customer service
- Identify type of customers in an organization
- Where and when customer service takes place
- What does customer service matter to you
Communication skills development
- Developing excellent communication skills
- Presenting a professional image
- Verbal and non- verbal communication
- Key body language in communication
The Customer Analysis: Know your customer
- Know your customer
- Know your customer expectations
- Types of customers: amiable, domineering, Analytical
- Determine your level; of service
Dealing with difficult Customers
- What makes customer upset
- Signs of upset customers
- Steps to calm upset customers
- Accurately identify the problem
- Confirm the customer value, synchronize and summarize
- Affirm his value system again.
Telephone etiquette
- Mastering telephone etiquette
- Answering the phone, professional greetings
- Active listening, putting callers on hold, transferring the calls
- Taking messages and voice mail
- Ending the call
Stress Management
- What is stress
- Causes of stress
- Symptoms of stress
- Managing stress
- Good and bad stress
The courses will be offered online. The participants will be able to virtually register, pay the training fees, access the training materials, and presentations virtually and finally get the certificate of training.
Administration Assistants, Front office managers and officers, Customer Service Personnel.
Starting Dates:
8th May 2023, 3rd July 2023, 4th September and 6th November 2023
In case of any clarification, kindly contact:
The Executive Capacity Development
Tel: 0721-538389, 0748-351815
Email: jmuteke@mua.ac.ke OR ecdp@mua.ac.ke